Discovery Dock

Discovery Dock

Breathtakingly realistic, fascinatingly informative – the Discovery Dock turns the Port of Hamburg into a virtual adventure playground. The world of experiences opposite the Elbphilharmonie in the middle of Hamburg’s HafenCity invites you to experience the big and small adventures of the immediate surroundings in a spectacular way. Using state-of-the-art virtual reality technologies, projections, live simulations as well as sound and lighting effects, the Port of Hamburg is virtually brought to life. A rendezvous with the woolen hand crab, as customs investigators smugglers on the track or with the megacrane to maneuver containers – here the visitors of Hamburg experience pulsating hearts day and night from completely new perspectives. The founder and operator of Discovery Dock is DuMont Media GmbH, a subsidiary of Morgenpost Verlag GmbH.

Our tasks:

Strategic PR consultancy, development of a PR catalog of measures including the kick-off PR for the opening of the Discovery Dock in May 2019. Subsequent development, conception and implementation of PR measures.

Further information at:

Image: © Florian Quandt