About one third of crises starts with some kind of mediacoverage or activities of citizen groups. Another 20% result from acute disruptions like a halt of a production process. The damage in these cases is always the same: Loss of confidence in the company and financial consequences.
We serve as a partner for all phases of crisis communication. Be it potential crises, acute events or the communication in the aftermath of a situation. We are well equipped for this. Our mindset and toolset is always ready to orchestrate and orderly way out of the trouble.
As crises tend to not send advance notices, preparation for them is an essential part of our expertise. We develop manuals and checklists for your scenarios and teach your people the do’s and don’ts of communicating with officials, journalists, and in the social media channels.
Preparing leaderdship for the decisions they have to take and for the media spotlight is another important part of our package. Camera and interview trainings are important to keep the cool in extreme crisis situations. We also prepare your employees, so they do the right things in case of a sudden event. Internal communication and protocols are as important as the exterior measures. Processes need be defined and in place at all times.
Of course we will test these measures in a live-fire exercise with your management teams. This won’t be fun. But it is essential to really be prepared for the real thing.
All this will not prevent a crisis from happening. But it will help you reduce the damage it does to your company financially and to the trust employees, partners and customers have in it.
Oliver Dederichs studied business administration, language and communication, media and public relations at Leuphana University Lüneburg.
In 1996, he was one of the founding partners of the agency, which has won several national and international awards for the quality and creativity of its work. His consulting focuses are change and crisis communication as well as strategy consulting. Together with his team, he accompanies SMEs and international corporations through strategy development, crisis and / or change processes. Oliver Dederichs is a lecturer at the Academy of Journalism. His main focus here is the training and further education of PR consultants.
In his free time, the native of Hamburg and father of two daughters screwed more or less successfully to old Vespa sheet metal rollers.