

Sparking the spirit of research in children, teenagers and young adults and getting them interested in technical, scientific and innovative professions – that is the aim of the IdeenExpo. The free hands-on event, which attracts over 300,000 visitors, has already been held three times at the Hannover Exhibition Centre.

Pupils can explore and discover for themselves the diversity of the thematic worlds of energy, communication, life & environment, mobility and production in direct contact with students, business experts and training institutions. “Learning with all the senses” – the exhibits and hands-on stations at the IdeenExpo are also selected according to this maxim. Exhibitors are companies, universities and research institutions as well as school groups from all over Lower Saxony. What can I do? What excites me? What do I want to become? IdeenExpo helps to answer these questions.

Our tasks:
Conception and implementation of PR measures for the IdeenExpo 2009, 2011 and 2013. Interface between media and exhibitors/sponsors. Conception and implementation of media cooperations as well as advice on brand building.

Click here for the IdeenExpo website:


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