Clean air instead of dust: how Hy2gen is decarbonising shipping

5. April 2024

📯 🐋 🚢 The sound of ships’ horns is one of the biggest city noises in Hamburg. And the smell of burning heavy fuel oil is unfortunately always one of the biggest city odours. At least those who live near the harbour are familiar with […]

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Founder story in the Abendblatt: how the Wobie Box eases the daily routine of parents

27. March 2024

“I’ve got an idea…” It takes the right audience to turn clever thoughts into functioning business models. PR is the key to this. And start-up stories like Volker Mester‘s in today’s Hamburger Abendblatt are the many small success stories that make our profession one of […]

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Electrifying success: how Fastned is revolutionizing the charging infrastructure

19. March 2024

Wow! What a success story… With the concept of making charging infrastructure not only visible, but also particularly service-orientated, the provider Fastned has been in the fast lane for over ten years. And far beyond the borders of the Netherlands. There are now around 300 charging […]

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Punitive tariffs or radical innovation: an interview with NOYO

15. March 2024

What we like: Smart customers who also have the courage not to give popular assessments for once. Like Dr. Daniel Kirchert 戴雷 from NOYO here with his forecast on the development of the car market. What we think is really great: Clever journalists and formats […]

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Sustainability instead of bargain hunting: rebuy in this week’s WirtschaftsWoche.

5. March 2024

For us, taking a stand also means daring to think outside the box. This especially applies to the positioning of companies and managers. We are therefore all the more pleased about the positioning of our customer rebuy recommerce GmbH on the subject of unquestioning consumption […]

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Hop in and listen: A podcast interview with NOYO

28. February 2024

We particularly like #podcasts when they get personal. Language is more than just voicing texts; it is precisely the #intermediate tones that can tell stories that are difficult to summarise in a string of letters. Furthermore, we can’t read a newspaper in the car, but […]

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Green waves on high sea: how Hy2gen is revolutionising the ship traffic

22. February 2024

🚢🌍 We like the Hamburg harbour. Where the big ships sleep, 120 million tonnes are handled every year. However, the ships’ diesel engines emit around one billion tonnes of #CO2 every year, making a significant contribution to #climatechange. ❗ What can we do about it?Less […]

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Celebrate with responsibility: safely through the carnival with Lime.

14. February 2024

🎉 👯‍♀️ 🤡 Carnival is celebrated just as passionately here in Hamburg as Labskaus in Cologne. What’s equally important to us: No matter what and when you celebrate, think about your safety. In short: If you’ve been drinking alcohol, get a lift or walk. Incidentally, […]

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When the phone rings twice: with rebuy in Poznan.

7. February 2024

😍 We love it when our customers allow us to take a look behind the scenes. As a side effect, it allows us to put the people who keep the business running, but tend to remain in the shadows, in the spotlight for journalists. At […]

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PR royale: petrol station & roadhouse monopoly in the ZDF

2. February 2024

🎯 One discipline that we don’t talk about much, but in which we enjoy working, is PR support for our clients in the public affairs sector. Why is that? Because it’s incredibly fun to surf the political agenda for a good cause 🏄‍♂️ or to […]

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