Gifts with impact: sustainable and socially minded through the Christmas season.

Sure, giving gifts warms the heart. And receiving gifts even more so. Especially when it is done “out of the consumer box”.

What we’re getting at: Let’s give differently this Christmas. More sustainably and in a better way. Because that’s important to us.

If you’re still looking for ideas, you can find some inspiration here in the days leading up to Christmas.

Our first tip: why not see if you can give a little warmth to someone other than the intended recipient with a gift. Take our colleague Marius Nürnberg and his partner Alina Wauter, for example, who have been bringing socially minded streetwear to people for several years with their brand Visions Clothing (just google it) and are now donating ten euros to the Hamburg Kältebus with every T-shirt in the Give Warmth series in the run-up to Christmas.

Hats of to you, Marius and Alina. And to all of you out there: treat your loved ones to one of these great organic cotton shirts and give homeless people in need a little warmth as well.