Insider with an outside perspective: an interview with NFQ CEO Lars Jankowsky

Bridge day! A short sabbatical for the workaholic. What do you post on this sunny Friday in Hamburg? Well, pictures that show how well work and life can be combined in this beautiful city.

For example, on the Elbe beach. A few days ago, Lars Jankowfsky, Global CEO of NFQ, and Oliver Stock, publisher of Business Punk(s), met there for a background discussion and portrait of the “insider with an outside perspective”.

Lars Jankowsky, for many years one of the best-known faces in the IT development industry, has lived in Vietnam for a decade, has built up several unicorns and revealed to Oliver Stock not only his personal story, but also more about his motivation and vision.

However, you won’t be able to read about this for a few weeks. This summer. The editors promised us. For those who want to, perhaps even with a cool pint in your hand on Hamburg’s Strandperle.

Incidentally, the interview was photographed by the fantastic photographer Judith Wagner ( – pictured right. Where is your favourite place to take press photos in your city?

Meisterklasse Skrei: Pressedinner Im Foodlab