PR royale: petrol station & roadhouse monopoly in the ZDF

🎯 One discipline that we don’t talk about much, but in which we enjoy working, is PR support for our clients in the public affairs sector. Why is that? Because it’s incredibly fun to surf the political agenda for a good cause 🏄‍♂️ or to play a key role in shaping it. Calling for necessary changes and drawing attention to grievances – also via media such as Tagesthemen, ZDF MoMa and Co. – for us is an important part of the democratic decision-making process.

A small dream was fulfilled for our cleantech team when Jan Böhmermann reported on the petrol station & roadhouse monopoly on German motorways in ZDF Magazin Royale for 20 minutes – an issue that we have regularly put on the agenda for fast charging infrastructure provider Fastned for a long time.