25. April 2019
Even though we think it’s a great team, we know that blood is thicker than water. Our families give us strength and inspiration, our partners keep their backs free, our children make our lives complete. Without them, we would not be what we are. So, […]
17. April 2019
The Port of Hamburg we love. Relax at the beach pearl. Fish roll on the hand. Astra tuber in the fist. 24-hour shifts in the container terminal. Maloche for doers. And on the harbor ferries let a stiff breeze blow around your nose. Okay – […]
5. April 2019
We know our way around with communication for the little ones. After all, we have not only successfully looked after clients such as Ergo Baby or Tula for years, most of our colleagues have children of their own and know from their own experience that […]
13. March 2019
25-30 hrs / week, especially as a re-entry after parental leave. The task: You advise our customers in the lifestyle and family sectors and develop together with the team cross-media communication concepts. You can always find new communication approaches and topics and understand how to […]
16. January 2019
Fine dust, nitrogen oxides, pollen – we find the life in the city super, but sometimes just very awkward. “Must not be,” thought clever developers from northern Germany and invented the city purifier Purevento. The sucked on a large scale polluted air z. B. from […]
3. January 2019
… soon the whole world knows. Provided you do it right. In January 2018, at the world’s largest consumer electronics trade show, CES, we teamed up with Chinese and US colleagues to show what smart mobility means in times of autonomous driving, measurement, 5G and […]
3. December 2018
Lernende Maschinen sorgen bei vielen Menschen für Gänsehaut. Bei einigen aus Angst und leichtem Grusel, bei anderen aus lauter Vorfreude auf das, was da auf uns zukommt. Wir sind heiß auf neue Technik und glauben an die Chancen, die diese mit sich bringt. Aber ein […]
14. November 2018
And zack … there it is! The thick “P” from the Spree. We are proud as Bolle: For our influencer campaign “I like what you do” for Magnum chocolate, we have been awarded the 2018 PR Award in the Influencer and Media Relations category. The […]
8. November 2018
Las Vegas, Milan, Shanghai, Schanze … For about a year, we have been ensuring with our PR that the whole of Europe is looking forward to the smart electric cars of the manufacturer BYTON. For the approach of leaving the beaten path of classic automobile […]